Ransomware… Yet another reason for adopting the VMware NSX approach and micro-segmentation
Now that VMware has convinced IT teams of the benefits of server virtualization, it plans to virtualize company networks with NSX.
Now that VMware has convinced IT teams of the benefits of server virtualization, it plans to virtualize company networks with NSX.
PCD Solutions presents “20 Years of Technology and Innovation,” a special event that includes a 60 minutes conference by our guest speaker Micheal Hyatt and a networking area for the celebration of PCD’s 20th anniversary.
With the acquisition of Cleversafe and the official launch of its Cloud Object Storage solutions, IBM is positionning itself for a race to innovation in the Object Storage technology market. IBM already have a solid enterprise storage portfolio with its FlashSystem solutions but the company will be in an even greater position to compete against the other major storage vendors.
How PCD Solutions and Hitachi are finally managing to resolve the problems surrounding the exponential growth of unstructured data, while proposing a brilliant alternative for businesses to protect their data.
The role PCD Solutions and VMware have played in the CIUSSS du Nord de l’Île de Montréal’s multi-institutional amalgamation project to maximize the mobility of physicians and nursing staff.
Many IT teams are feeling pressured to accelerate the implementation of enterprise cloud initiatives. Hence the need for a coordinated approach that incorporates principles of governance, service management, business applications and services catalog.
We are meeting with more and more customers to explain what the SAP S/4 HANA solution consists of and its main advantages over previous generations. We are already seeing the first applications that will enable companies to benefit from SAP’s in-memory technology.
Presentation of the theme: Turn Your IT Department Into an Active Partner
Plus: Agenda for the CONTINUUM conference to be held on Wednesday, October 5, at the Restaurant Quai 99 at the Longueuil Marina from 9:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Presentation of VMware’s solutions to issues in Quebec’s healthcare sector and a review of the key highlights from the VMworld 2016 conference
The cloud is bringing a number of changes to businesses. One of the most fundamental changes is the role of information technology teams, which is rapidly changing from a technical role to having to act as a service “consultant” and “broker” for business groups.